The kids are out of school. Hubby is on vacation. And so am I. But in case you dropped by, here's something I found interesting and I thought you might as well.
Who knew there were font experts at publishing houses anguishing over the shape of the letter g or carefully considering matching font to genre? Makes me feel fuzzy-warm to imagine my work might one day be fussed over like that.
Something that's helping me write today? Basic pen and paper. Because with those I can work even in a tent in the wilderness. Also the fact that if you run to the top of the bluff and stand in just the right spot you can get bars. Woohoo! But...sshhh...don't tell my hubby. I'm supposed to be on vacation.
Who knew there were font experts at publishing houses anguishing over the shape of the letter g or carefully considering matching font to genre? Makes me feel fuzzy-warm to imagine my work might one day be fussed over like that.
Something that's helping me write today? Basic pen and paper. Because with those I can work even in a tent in the wilderness. Also the fact that if you run to the top of the bluff and stand in just the right spot you can get bars. Woohoo! But...sshhh...don't tell my hubby. I'm supposed to be on vacation.
Wendy S Marcus said...
Hi Regina!
I love your new springy background! From reading submission guidelines, some publishers accept New Times Roman font, others prefer Arial. Who knew? In some books I've read there's been a page devoted to the font of the book and where it originated. It was wasted on me, who couldn't tell it from any other book font.
Regina Richards said...
Now that I know publishers use different fonts for different genres, I find myself paying more attention when I pick up a novel.
Glad you like the new look, Wendy. Maybe I'll keep this one for a while.
Anonymous said...
...your hubby found your blog...I like it..